Measures against harassment related to job hunting

Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology University of Agriculture and Technology declares that it does not tolerate any form of harassment that undermines the dignity (human rights) of individuals and academic freedom, and that it will strive to improve the educational, research, and working environment.
In recent years, there has been a significant amount of harassment occurring during job hunting, regardless of gender, so we have created guidelines to combat harassment regarding job hunting Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Agriculture and Technology.
If you feel that you have been subjected to harassment during your job search, please do not suffer alone but actively seek out the counseling services (Faculty Member in charge of job hunting).


? Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology University of Agriculture and Technology Job Hunting Prevention Guidelines (PDF:219KB)


Faculty Development on Harassment in Job Hunting

This is a video of the faculty development session on harassment during job hunting that was held on November 30, 2021.

?(FD Training) Harassment during job hunting (video)

? Course materials (PDF:1576KB)


