2022-12-16 Biological experiment “Basics of human genome handling”

Wan observes the "biology experiment" conducted by first-year students in Department of Applied Biological Science Faculty of Agriculture!
This practical training will provide students with a hands-on learning experience on the basics of various observation and analysis methods in biology, the field that forms the foundation of the natural sciences.
By carrying out a wide range of experiments, from observing plant tissues and microorganisms to the human genome, students will learn how to take sketches, use a microscope, and how to handle and process experimental data.

Today, Associate Professor Sasaki Nobumitsu and Professor Miura Yutaka conducted an experiment on "Basics of Handling the Human Genome."
One that analyzes genes related to alcohol metabolism.

Alcohol metabolism is a gene related to the strength of alcohol.
What kind of thing is it?

Acetaldehyde, which is produced when ethanol is broken down in the body, is oxidized to acetic acid in the mitochondria.
The enzyme responsible for this oxidation is called "aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH)", and there are 10 known types, but among them, "ALDH2" has the highest metabolic ability.
People with the ALDH2 genotype have a strong tolerance for alcohol.
ALDH2*2, a variant in which a part of ALDH2 has changed, is commonly found in Japanese people, but it does not have a very high metabolic capacity.

In this experiment, students will extract their own genomic DNA and examine whether it contains "ALDH2" and "ALDH2*2."

The first and second photos are of her cutting her nails.
In this experiment, DNA will be extracted from the nails, so the students will cut their own nails and cut them into small pieces with a cutter.

The third to fifth photos show the students working to extract the DNA, carefully measuring reagents with a pipette and mixing the solutions.

Since the students were using some of the tools for the first time, they carefully carried out the experiment while reading the text.

Once you've made a genomic DNA solution, you can use real-time PCR to determine how much "ALDH2" and "ALDH2*2" increase to find out whether each type of DNA is included.

The results will be given to the students by the teacher at a later date.

The 8th photo is an ethanol patch test to determine alcohol sensitivity.
You can tell whether your body is good at breaking down alcohol by applying alcohol to a bandage, leaving it for a while, and observing whether the skin turns red.
Let's examine and consider the genotype (genetic polymorphism) and the phenotype that manifests as a trait.

Human genome information is important personal information that is also used in medical settings.
In this class, you will not only learn the basics of handling the human genome, but also the ethical issues when handling the human genome.

# Educational Exploration of Hakken and Koken # Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology # TUAT #university #university #tokyo #tokyo #tokyo #university entrance exam #exam #exam #student #research #research introduction # Faculty of Agriculture # Faculty of Engineering #campus life #campus walk #university students #experiment #biology #chemistry #practical #class #DNA #genes #human genome #biology #bioscience #biotechnology
