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STEP 1 Import data from the previous lesson site to the new lesson site

Click on the "New Class Site" to which you will be redirected and then click on "Site Information" on the "Outline Screen" .
"Import from Site" tab.Select the

There are two ways to migrate data: "replace" and "merge" .
"Replace" will erase all existing data and leave only the newly migrated data in its place.
"merge," the existing data will remain and the newly migrated data will be added.When you

"I want to replace my data" or "I want to merge my data" .Click

[Note] "Classes" cannot be merged. If you check "Class" and perform a merge, a new "Class" will be created, resulting in two "Classes." Please delete any existing "Classes." In addition, the syllabus will not be linked to the newly created "Class." If you want to update the syllabus in the LMS, please update it from the LMS.

I want to replace my data

Check the class site you want to transfer to and click "Continue." ?

Check the items you want to transfer and click "Finish." ?

I want to merge my data

Check the class site you want to transfer to and click "Continue." ?

Check the items you want to transfer and click "Finish." ?

STEP 2. Reset the publication date and time

"Announcements," "Quizzes," and "Assignments" will be migrated in a private (draft) state, so you will need to set the publication date and time on the new course site. Also, if the publication date and time for "Class Materials" has not been set before the migration, it will be made public the moment it is migrated. If you need to set the publication date and time, don't forget to do so.

To set a publication deadline for an announcement:

The migrated data is in a draft state .

Set the publication date and time, and click "Save Changes" at the bottom to publish.

Steps to set the quiz release deadline

The migrated data is in a draft state .
"--Choose an action--", click "Publish" .Under

The next screen will show you the current settings for your quiz. If you are happy with these settings, click "Publish" to publish it. If you want to change the settings, click "Edit Settings" .

"Edit Settings" , you can edit the publication date and time etc. on the next screen, then click "Publish" to publish.If you click

*If you want to copy quizzes individually, please use the export/import function within the quiz on the source/destination site.

To set a deadline for publishing an assignment:

The transferred data will be in draft state . Click "Edit" under each assignment name.

On the next screen, set the publication date and time of the assignment, and click "Register" at the bottom. It will be published at the specified date and time.

How to set the deadline for course materials

The migrated data will remain publicly available on the previous site.
Actions, click Edit Properties .Under

On the next screen, under "Expiration and access restrictions," set the date and time under "Show this item ," then click "Update" at the bottom to set the date and time.

*If you want to copy class materials individually, please use the "Copy content from other sites" option at the bottom of the class materials screen on the destination site.
