Take a short test (formerly known as a test or quiz)

Things to check before taking the quiz

*This is to avoid any problems that may occur during the quiz.

  • Please use a web browser supported by SIRIUS, such as the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. *Please do not use Internet Explorer as it may cause problems.
  • Please make sure you do not have multiple windows or tabs open during the quiz and that you have a reliable internet connection.
  • Please do not use your browser's back and forward buttons.
  • For timed quizzes, once you start the test, the countdown begins and does not stop.
    The countdown will not stop even if you lose your internet connection, your browser crashes, or you quit and close your browser.
  • Do not press "Start Test" or "Submit for Grading" more than once.

Select a quiz

Click on the title of the quiz you want to take to take it.

Start the test

A summary of the quiz will appear, showing the grade, deadline, test time and number of submissions allowed. When you're ready to begin the quiz, click "Start test" .

answer the questions

  • You can click Table of Contents to jump to another question (if permitted).
  • If the test is timed, the time remaining will be displayed at the top of the page.
  • The questions are displayed below, please select your answer or type it in the field.
  • In the "Progress Panel" for questions on the right side of the screen, you can check the progress of answered and unanswered questions (if configured). You can also click on a question number in the panel to move to another question.
  • Click "Previous" to return to the previous question (if permitted).
  • Once you have answered a question, click Next to save your answer and move on to the next question.
  • "Save" to save your answers and pause the test.Click

Submit a quiz

Once you have answered all the questions, click "Submit for Grading" to complete your submission.

Please note that simply clicking "Save" does not mean your submission has been submitted.

Check your confirmation number

Please make sure that a confirmation number is issued on the last screen. Test submission is only completed once a confirmation number is issued, just like a submission ID, when submitting the assignment. A test submission confirmation email containing a confirmation number will be sent to your university-wide email address, so be sure to save it.

Reviewing Quiz Feedback

To view your quiz grades and grader comments, please follow these steps:

1. Click on the "Class Site" for the quiz you want to check the feedback for and then click on "Quiz" on the "Outline Screen" or on the "Quiz" menu screen.

2. Click "Feedback" in the list of submitted tests.

If there is no "Feedback" link: Feedback is not available due to the quiz settings.

3. View the feedback. The display format will change depending on the test settings. Correct answers, scores, and grader comments will be displayed.
