What to Do in a Disaster

This section provides information about handling emergencies.

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Understanding preparations for when a major earthquake strikes
The Great East Japan Earthquake is still fresh in our memories. The immense damage brought on by that quake was a reminder of how horrible natural disasters can be. There is no denying that it is impossible to predict exactly when and where an earthquake will strike. However, each of us can minimize the damage from an earthquake by constantly gathering disaster-prevention knowledge and making sure we are sufficiently prepared for such a disaster. These guidelines include general precautions for when an earthquake strikes, as well as actions you should take if a major earthquake causes significant damage. You should thoroughly familiarize yourself with these guidelines and react calmly if a major earthquake or other disaster occurs.

Reacting to a Major Earthquake

1. First, ensure your own safety as the situation requires. Then take reasonable action, bearing in mind any instructions or messages from the university, which will be provided as necessary.
2. After the aftershocks have subsided, please report your student ID number, name, date of birth, department affiliation and year. In addition, note your condition as well as the condition of your residence, your parents/guardians’ home, the head of your household, and the like.
Note: Please do not contact the university by phone in times of disaster.

? Reporting Your Status Online
Fill in the form and then submit it. (Opens in new window)
If an earthquake with a magnitude in the low 6 range or higher occurs, please report on your status before you are asked to do so.

? Reporting Your Status When You Can’t Use the Internet
Write the required information on a postcard or the like, and submit it to the office of your affiliated undergraduate or graduate department.

3. The Fuchu Campus and Koganei Campus are both designated as regional evacuation sites. Regional evacuation sites are facilities you should use in situations such as when a local fire is spreading. Evacuees can stay at these sites for anywhere from the few hours it takes for a fire to be extinguished to up to two to three days. We ask for all students for their understanding and support in the above matters.

Major Earthquake Response Manual for Students (2013 Edition)

General Precautions When an Earthquake Strikes

1. Extinguish any open flames when the shaking starts.
Call out to others around you to put out any fires and shut off any equipment that uses fire, laboratory equipment, etc.

2. To prevent chemical fires, close the doors of any chemical cabinets.

3. Get under a desk or some other furniture or object that will shield you.
Safeguard yourself by moving away from bookshelves, lockers, glass windows and the like. Get under a steel desk or sturdy table, or move to a place where there are many pillars.

4. Open a door to secure an exit.
The building may warp due to the fire, which in turn may cause the exit doors to jam shut. You can’t evacuate unless you secure an exit.

5. Don’t panic and run outside.
If you do, you are likely to be injured by falling objects and debris, such as crumbling walls, window glass and the like. Remember to act calmly.

6. If a fire starts, put it out quickly.
If a fire starts, calmly make initial firefighting efforts.

7. The use of elevators is forbidden.
If you are on an elevator, get off immediately at the closest floor.

8. Stay away from gates, walls, and the like.
When you are outside and evacuating, stay away from buildings, gates, block walls and other structures that may collapse.
In addition, stay away from dangerous facilities, such as radioisotope facilities, hazardous material storage facilities, fuel facilities and the like.

9. Evacuate on foot.
Evacuate on foot, and in a group if possible. When evacuating, watch out for shards of glass, falling objects and other potential dangers.

10. Work together to rescue other people and provide aid.
Prioritize human lives and safety, and work together to rescue other people and provide aid.

11. Get the correct information.
In an emergency, it’s important to get the correct, up-to-date information and take appropriate actions. Stay calm while getting correct information from radios, municipal disaster radios, fire department cars, and other appropriate sources.
Do not allow yourself to be influenced by rumors and hearsay.
