Admission Fee Exemption and Deferment

Admission Fee Exemption and Deferral Systems

Admission fee exemption system
This system is used to help students who have considerable difficulty paying their admission fees due to special circumstances, reducing these fees by half or eliminating them completely. For those who qualify after a screening process.

Admission fee deferral system
This system defers payment for students having difficulty paying their admission fees by the deadline for financial reasons. The extension lasts until the end of August for students enrolling during the first term, and until the end of February for students enrolling during the second term. There is a screening process involved.

Exemption Eligibility

Admission fee exemption

Category Reason for exemption
New undergraduate student A Students who find it very difficult to pay their admission fees because their primary financial provider at home has died, or because the student himself/herself or the primary financial provider at home is a victim of a storm, flood or other disaster within one year prior to the date of enrollment.
B Any other reason proportionate to A above deemed appropriate by the president
New graduate school student Students who find payment of their admission fee difficult due to A or B above, or for other financial reasons, and who are considered academically excellent

Admission fee deferment

Category Reason for deferment
New graduate school student
New undergraduate student
A Students who find payment of their admission fee by the deadline difficult due to financial reasons and who are considered academically excellent
B Students who find it very difficult to pay their admission fees because their primary financial provider at home has died, or because the student himself/herself or the primary financial provider at home is a victim of a storm, flood or other disaster within one year prior to the date of enrollment.
C Any other reason proportionate to B above deemed appropriate by the president

Application Distribution Method

Graduate school students: the distribution method will be explained in the enrollment procedure forms.

Undergraduate students: enclosed with enrollment procedure forms.

Forms to Submit

Admission fee exemption/deferment application: All applicants must submit this. Includes reporting on the degree of family economic hardship and student academic excellence.

Statement of household situation: This is attached to the admission fee exemption/deferment application.

Various documentation required: Documents confirming that the admission fee exemption/deferment application and statement of household situation are valid. This includes such documents as a certificate of income, certificate of tax withholding, and an original transcript.
The documentation required varies depending on your situation and that of your family; please review the application materials for details.

Note: If you are also applying for a tuition exemption, you may submit a single set of the required documentation as part of your tuition exemption application.

Application Period and Where to Apply

Application period: The same day for admission procedures

Where to apply: The same location(s) used for admission procedures

Screening Method and Determination

  1. If you do not receive an exemption or are exempted from paying half of the admission fees, you must pay your admission fees within fourteen days of when the university notifies you. If you are unable to pay your admission fees within this period, you may apply for a deferment.
  2. If you are not approved for a deferment, you must pay your admission fees within fourteen days of when the university notifies you.
  3. If you are approved for a deferment, you must pay your admission fees by the last day of August if enrolling in April, and by the last day of February if enrolling in October. Be sure to pay your admission fees within the period noted on the payment notification provided to you at the desk.

Note: Please be aware that if you do not pay your admission fees by the deadline, we will remove you from the student register.

Announcement of Results

Results will be posted by student number.

Posting period
April enrollees: Mid-May
October enrollees: Late October

Posting locations?
Results will be posted on SPICA (students in the United Graduate School of Agricultural Science will be sent individual notifications).


For other information, please contact the relevant section(s) below.

Graduate School of Agriculture and Faculty of Agriculture
Student Support Section, Fuchu Student Support Office
Tel: 042-367-5579

Faculty of Engineering
Student Support Section, Koganei Student Support Office
Tel: 042-388-7011

United Graduate School of Agricultural Science
Student Affairs Section of the United Graduate School
Tel: 042-367-5670

Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering
BASE Office
Tel: 042-388-7217

Graduate School of Engineering (including Professional Degree Course)
Admissions Section, Koganei Student Support Office
Tel: 042-388-7014
