辰己賢一准教授が「米国農業工学会 最優秀論文賞」を受賞
農学研究院 農業環境工学部門の辰己賢一准教授が、2022年7月18日に「米国農業工学会 最優秀論文賞」を受賞しました。
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers(米国農業工学会)
2022 Superior Paper Award (最優秀論文賞)
A Dynamic Model for the Relationship between Rice Growth and Meteorology, Water, Nitrogen, and Canopy Structure
The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers confers honors and awards on individuals for significant contributions to the field or interests of the field. This article presented a robust model to explain the dynamics among microclimate, canopy structure, and rice biomass growth based on ecological, physiological, and physical processes.
American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers(別ウィンドウで開きます)

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