海外渡航を予定している学生の皆様/To Students who plan to travel abroad

Here are guidance on the procedures for our students traveling abroad, the emergency response flow, and important points to consider when taking out technologies or goods related to our university's education and research as well as bringing back from the destination when entering Japan.

手続き -Procedures

◇事前提出書類-Documents to be submitted before overseas travel/study
If you plan on overseas travel/study, please be sure to submit ”留学?海外渡航にあたっての事前確認書 (Prior Confirmation for Overseas Travel/Study)” and “海外渡航届 (Pledge for Overseas Dispatch/Study Abroad)” in advance to the section of your affiliated department below with your "留学願(Study Abroad Request)" or “海外渡航届(Overseas Travel Notification)”.

? 申博_申博信用网-官网「留学?海外渡航にあたっての事前確認書」(Word:23KB)
? 申博_申博信用网-官网「海外渡航誓約書」(PDF:372KB)
? TUAT” Prior Confirmation for Overseas Travel/Study” (Word:32KB)
? TUAT“Pledge for Overseas Dispatch/Study Abroad”(PDF:55KB)
Please contact the sections below regarding the "Application for Study Abroad" or "Notification of Overseas Travel".

◇海外旅行保険への加入-Overseas Travel Insurance
TUAT requires that all students purchase overseas travel insurance in preparation for emergencies.
Students who participate in TUAT's research and education activities outside of TUAT campus must purchase "Travel Insurance (FutaiKaigaku)".

 Click the link below for more details such as submission deadline:
  農学部教務係サイト(Fuchu Educational Affairs Section Website)
  小金井地区学生支援室 (Koganei Student Support Office Website)




外務省 海外へ渡航される皆様へ

緊急時の対応フロー -Emergency Response Flowchart While You are Abroad

If you have bad health condition, injured and/or an incident while you are abroad, please take the necessary actions and procedures according to the linked flowchart below.

 Please make sure to review the flowchart carefully before traveling to your destination.

海外滞在中に体調不良やケガ?事故等の緊急事態が発生した場合の対応フロー / What to do if you have an incident or become bad health condition while you are abroad

★海外滞在中に医療機関の受診が必要な病気やケガ、事故等が発生した場合、下記Googleフォームを入力し、 速やかに大学に状況を連絡してください。
 If you have an incident and/or bad health condition or get injured that you need to go to a hospital during your study abroad, please report to TUAT via the following Google form and inform your situation ASAP.

◆大学への連絡用Googleフォーム Google Form to contact TUAT

 As of May 8, 2023, Japan has reclassified COVID-19’s category to Class 5 under the Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases. Japanese government no longer requests public to take unified basic infection control measures.

本学の教育研究に関係する技術や機材、試料などを持ち出す際や渡航先の物品を持ち帰る際の注意事項 -Precautions when taking out technology, equipment, and samples related to our university's educational research, as well as when bringing back items from a travel destination

Universities have the obligation to prevent advanced technologies, knowledge, equipment, and samples they possess from being transferred to other countries or organizations and being used for military purposes, thereby preventing security threats in advance.

If you plan to take technology, equipment, or samples related to the university's education and research out of Japan to a foreign country, please consult with your supervising professor.

Additionally, when bringing items back from your destination, please be aware that some items may be prohibited or require permission under the laws of both the destination country and Japan. This can apply to research samples, equipment, and even personal souvenirs. Please refer to the following links and take plenty precaution.

MAFF Animal Quarantine Stations "Animal Quarantine Guide in Japan"
MAFF Plant Quarantine Stations "Plant Quarantine Inspections"
Japan Customs "Import of Animals and Plants Carried in as Baggage (Animal Quarantine and Plant Quarantine)"
Japan Customs "Customs Guide for visitors"

(参考 - References)
?外務省領事局 領事サービスセンター
?外務省ホームページ 世界の医療事情

〔海外渡航?留学等に係る手続きについての各部局の担当窓口 / Sections in charge of procedures regarding overseas travel/study〕

〇農学部/農学府の学生 - Faculty of Agriculture:
  府中学生支援室 入学試験係 Fuchu Admission Section
  a-nyushi*cc.tuat.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください / Please replace * with @ for the email)

〇連合農学研究科の学生 - United Graduate School of Agricultural Science:
  府中学生支援室 連合農学研究科学生係 United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Student  Section
  rendai-d*ml.tuat.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください / Please replace * with @ for the email)

〇工学部/工学府/BASEの学生 - Faculty of Engineering and BASE:
  小金井学生支援室 教務係 Koganei Educational Affairs Section)
  tkyomu1*cc.tuat.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください / Please replace * with @ for the email)

学務課:国際交流室 International Affairs Office
電   話:042-367-5913
E-mail:kokusai*cc.tuat.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください / Please replace * with @ for the email)
