
Plant batteries that obtain electricity from plants

Principal Investigator: Professor Katsuhiko Naoi

(Institute of Engineering, Division of Applied Chemistry)

 "Plant Battery Team"

The energy obtained by photosynthesis can be converted into electricity by decomposing organic matter obtained by plants through photosynthesis using power-generating microorganisms in the soil and storing electricity based on the hydrogen ions produced during the process. This is a conversion of light energy → chemical energy → electrical energy. However, the electricity generated by this method is extremely weak, which is a major problem in practical use. In this project, we will draw out the potential photosynthetic ability of plants as much as possible through optimal selection, planting, and growing methods, improve the efficiency of electricity collection from the power-generating microorganisms in the soil, and further establish an efficient method of storing weak currents by making full use of electrode design and condensers.

"Plant Battery Team" Members

Katsuhiko Naoi Trustees Vice-Presidents
Naoko Otsu Professor Institute of Agriculture Division of Science of Biological Production
Shin Okazaki Professor Institute of Agriculture Division of International Environmental and Agricultural Science
Kazuko Naoi president  K&W Inc.
Naohisa Okita Assistant Professor Institute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry
Etsuro Iwama Associate Professor Institute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry
Yuan Kun Assistant Professor Institute of Global Innovation Research
McMahon Reid Visiting Associate Professor MIT?Department of Mathematics
Kenji Tamamitsu Executive Officer Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation
Junichi Miyamoto   Nippon Chemi-Con Corporation
Tadashi Yokoyama Emeritus Professor  


A comprehensive solution to microplastic pollution through the fusion of agriculture and engineering

Principal Investigator: Professor Hideshige Takada

(Institute of Agriculture, Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere)

 "Microplastics Comprehensive Science Research Team"

In Japan, conflicts between wild animals and human activities occur almost daily, and the damage to agriculture and forestry is particularly severe, calling for the creation of a new wildlife management system. Meanwhile, advances in sensor technology and internet environments have made it possible to obtain large-scale data on wild animal movements and biological information. In this project, we will develop data analysis techniques using AI (artificial intelligence) to analyze wild animal behavior and biological information, and apply these techniques to wildlife management. We aim to understand and elucidate the ecology of wild animals as mathematical models, and to "visualize the ecology of wild animals" by predicting their behavior and elucidating their ecology. In Japan, where the population is declining and aging, we hope to develop efficient and labor-saving measures to prevent conflicts with wild animals.

Members of the Microplastics Comprehensive Science Research Team

 Hideshige Takada Professor Institute of Agriculture Division of Environmental Science on Biosphere
 Ryota Oze Associate Professor Institute of Agriculture Division of Natural Resources and Ecomaterials
 Hiroshi Ishida Professor Institute of Engineering Division of Advanced Mechanical Systems Engineering
 Yasumoto Nakazawa Professor Institute of Engineering Division of Biotechnology and Life Science
 Chihiro Kayou Associate Professor Institute of Agriculture Division of Environment Conservation

Development of nutrient upcycling technology from wastewater and other waste materials through the integration of agriculture and industry

Principal Investigator: Professor Akihiko Terada

(Institute of Engineering, Division of Applied Chemistry)

 "Nitrogen and Phosphorus Upcycling Team"

Currently, wastewater generated from human life and industrial activities is called Resource Water and Enriched Water, and is no longer a target for treatment but a target for resource and energy recovery. In the field of water treatment, a paradigm shift is occurring from the development of pollutant removal technology to the development of water resource recovery technology, and innovation that enables efficient resource and energy recovery from water resources is essential. This research team focuses on nitrogen and phosphorus compounds that cause eutrophication and water environment pollution, and works on developing technologies that enable wastewater treatment and energy and resource recovery. By searching for, acquiring, and evaluating the potential of novel microorganisms, we will build a new nitrogen management system based on the concept of energy saving and energy and resource recovery through a platform of recovery technology.

Members of the "Nitrogen and Phosphorus Upcycling Team"

 Akihiko Terada Professor Institute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry
 Yohei Hashimoto Associate Professor Institute of Agriculture Division of Sciences for Biological System
 Shohei Toriya Associate Professor Institute of Engineering Division of Applied Chemistry
