Information on student dormitories and residences outside TUAT

List of accommodations for international students operated by external organizations

Please download from here.

List of information on real estate agents around campus and available in foreign languages

Please download from here.

Guidebook for people renting rooms

Information on renting a rental house in Japan, from ``searching for a room'' to ``contract'', ``rules for moving in'', ``moving out'', and ``preparing for emergencies'', etc., is summarized in 5 languages using illustrations and plain text. This is a guidebook with explanations in (Japanese, English, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese).

(For foreigners) Guidebook for people renting rooms (external link)

Comprehensive housing compensation system for international students

Generally, when renting a private apartment in Japan, a guarantor is required to move in. By joining this compensation system operated by the Japan Educational Exchanges and Services Association, the mental and financial burden on the guarantor can be reduced, making it easier for them to take on the role of guarantor. Our university issues an "Apartment Tenancy Guarantee" to international students on the condition that they join this compensation system.
The procedure takes one to two weeks, so please apply at the office listed below at least two weeks before your move.

Application window

  • Fuchu Student Support Office Student Support Section (International students of Faculty of Agriculture /Graduate Graduate School of Agriculture)
  • Koganei Student Support Office Student Support Section (Faculty of Engineering / Graduate School of Engineering / Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering International Students)
  • Fuchu Student Support Office Graduate School Section (United Graduate School of Agricultural Science International Students)
