To all students

July 31, 2020

To all students:

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response Headquarter,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

As COVID-19 continues to spread, you may be feeling anxious from day to day. On June 15th, TUAT lifted the campus entry restrictions, and while taking prevention measures against the COVID-19, training courses and graduate level research activities, etc. have begun step by step. However, during the first quarter, we had to take measures against the pandemic we had never experienced such as switching a number of face-to face lectures to online ones, postponing practical training courses, etc.. For new students in particular, we think they are experiencing an extremely unusual and unfortunate situation for life on campus, as they may have not been to the campus yet, or may have met their peers only through a PC screen. We have managed to bring the first quarter to an end, and this was possible because of the patience, hard work and cooperation among our students and teaching/administrative staff members during this period.

The summer vacation between August 1st and August 16th and second quarter ending on September 30th will be again significantly different ones apart from the usual year. We are preparing for the campus environment where lectures, etc. can be conducted on campus as much as possible from the third quarter starting from October 1st. As part of this joint effort to make this happen, we would like to remind you again to keep in mind the following, for the time being.  

  • Many cases of COVID-19 are confirmed among young people, as well as through dining together or staying together in a training camp, etc.. Please comprehend the situation of the COVID-19 spread, and protect yourself from the infection by taking thorough measures such as wearing a mask, hand washing, disinfecting, and ventilation, thus not to contribute to infection transmission to others. Based on the guidelines provided by the Japanese government and local governments, act carefully following the ethics required by the society.
  • Avoid non-essential travel such as travel across borders among prefectures as much as possible. If you have to return to your hometown/parents’ house, act with extreme caution for a certain period of time before you travel such as avoiding actions that can increase your risk of infection.
  • Extra-curricular activities (club activities, etc.) can be carried out after your “Request for Extra-curricular Activities” application is approved. However, training camps or activities outside Tokyo, etc. will not be permitted for the time being. We appreciate your understanding.
  • Please pay close attention to your action and act carefully, such as avoiding places of a high risk of infection or social dining in which infection prevention measures to avoid the three conditions (3 Cs) facilitating the transmission of infectious disease (closed spaces, crowds, and close contact) are not fully taken. Specifically, when dining together at a restaurant, etc., note the “self-conformity declaration” stickers, etc. which indicate safe operation of restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please refrain from speaking in a loud voice (speaking in a loud voice at restaurants and such, or making a loud voice at karaoke bars, events, sport games, etc.). We ask for your cooperation in taking these prevention measures against the COVID-19 spread as they are fundamental in order for the campus activities to resume from October.
  • All overseas student dispatches scheduled for the second quarter have been cancelled. Instead, training and supplementary lectures originally planned for the first quarter may be held during the second quarter. Please check the Web Bulletin Board, etc. frequently for information on lectures being hold.
  • Please be careful not to get infected during commuting to university to conduct research activities in the laboratories or to attend lectures, etc.. Also, please be alert to avoid infection spread on campus.
  • If you have been infected with the virus, please follow the instructions from the public health center, etc. and those on “If taken/will be taking a PCR test or confirmed with COVID-19” and contact the University immediately. Immediately contact the University as well if you have taken a PCR test even if the test was to confirm the non-infection status. In addition, inform the University the test result as soon as possible even if the result was negative. In case possibility of infection is deemed recognizable, refrain from going out and entering the campuses, then contact the University immediately while following the instructions above.
  • You may have various concerns such as on not being able to complete your courses as planned, having a hard time emotionally or financially, or not wishing to come to Tokyo, etc.. The University provides a number of student support systems through your advising professors, supervisors, student life committees, student support offices, counselors, Health Service Center, etc., so please do not hesitate to contact us and discuss any concern you have.
  • Please download the national government’s Contact-Confirming Application (COCOA) or register for your local government’s COVID-19 related notification systems.

We will inform you through the Web Bulletin Board, etc. by early September each course’s schedule and its conducting methods for the third quarter which will start from Thursday, October 1st, so please prepare for your course registration. To avoid the three conditions (3 Cs), student numbers in classrooms will have to be drastically reduced, therefore many lectures during the third quarter, as well, will be held online.

Contact Information
For Faculty of Agriculture/Graduate School of Agriculture students:
Fuchu Student Support Office
TEL: 042-367-5662
E-mail: akyomu1 (write @ here)

For United Graduate School of Agricultural Science students:
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Student Affairs Section, Fuchu Student Support Office
TEL: 042-367-5670
E-mail: rennougk (write @ here)

For Faculty of Engineering/Graduate School of Engineering students:
Koganei Student Support Office
TEL: 042-388-7010
E-mail: tkyomu1 (write @ here)

For Graduate School of Bio-Applications and Systems Engineering (BASE) students:
Koganei Student Support Office
TEL: 042-388-7173
E-mail: gaklead1 (write @ here)
