To Teaching / Administrative Staff at TUAT:

To Teaching / Administrative Staff at TUAT:

Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Response Headquarter,
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology (TUAT)

 Due to the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) being stagnant and expected to accelerate even further, we understand that you, as well as your students, may feel concerned or uncertain.
 TUAT strives to contribute to sustainable development of the earth system. In the response to the ongoing outbreak of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), we believe it is our mission to counter COVID-19 based on scientific evidence. Therefore, while striving to contribute in research, it is necessary for TUAT teaching/administrative staff and students to act as a team to contain the further spread of the disease.
 In order not to create environment in which high risk factors for transmission (poorly ventilated, crowded, and/or conversation distance is relatively close) are interwoven, conducting face-to-face lectures at TUAT is being delayed. However, we have informed the students that this period is not a vacation (spring break); therefore, they should plan their course registration by referring to the syllabi and timetables uploaded on the TUAT website, and they should use the time to improve their skills and knowledge. For example, by conducting self-study utilizing the syllabi and lecture material uploaded on google classroom or moodle, textbooks, study reference, etc.
 Considering the characteristics or educational policies of the course you are responsible for, we ask that you take appropriate measures for the cancelled lectures until the face-to-face lectures take place on campus.

  • Please be prepared to assign or conduct assignments, supplementary lectures, and/or e-learning (adopting interactive, streaming, on-demand, etc. methods). For details, please refer to「学事日程等の取り扱いおよび遠隔授業の活用に係るQ&A等の送付について (Q & As Related to Handling of Academic Affairs Schedule and Use of Distance Classes:Japanese Only)」released by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) - Japan on April 1 (a separate window will open).
  • There are cases in which the basic measures are determined by faculty, department or course.
  • Through google classroom, moodle, WEB Bulletin Board, etc., please inform your students lecture availability, measures for the cancelled lectures, assignments, etc.
  • Through google classroom, moodle, etc., please provide E-learning and/or visual learning aid, introduce textbooks and study reference, give assignments (reports, etc.), etc. to your students, to support the students’ self-study.
  • If you are a supervisor/advisor of a student, please contact your student by phone or email and check their health, etc.
  • Please consult your students belonging to your laboratory. Unless absolutely necessary, minimize the risk of having them go to the laboratory and guide them to use the time effectively to plan/write their dissertation, etc.

 The evolving situation puts restrictions not only on lectures, research, or extracurricular activities but also on daily lives; impacting our mental health and financial security. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but we ask for your kind cooperation in creating the environment for students to attend lectures, carry research projects, etc. on campus sooner.
 Please refrain from going to places in which risk of transmission is likely to be high; and be sure to clean your hands with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water, and wear a mask, to prevent infection transmission (not to become a symptomatic carrier or a spreader of the virus) to others.
 We are uncertain at this point when face-to-face lectures can be conducted. Please prepare that this can be a prolonged period and check the TUAT website and WEB Bulletin Board frequently.


Contact Information
Educational Affairs Office Educational Affairs Coordination Section
Phone: 042-367-5537
e-mail: gaksoumu (input @ here)
